Hi-Tech meets Classic Business Values with VoIP Phone Systems

We offer the latest in VoIP phone systems so that you can solidify your traditional business practice of great customer service. Businesses are always looking for new and better ways to communicate with customers, and phones still need to lead the way. Office phones, smart phones, tablets and computers are all now a part of the office phone system. Additionally, these multiple devices need to be integrated with multiple offices. Our IT consultants are standing by to explore your options and find the right solution for your business.
Classic business values. The need for outstanding customer service will never change, but with an advanced communications platform staying connected has never been easier. We install and maintain Zultys VoIP systems for voice, instant messaging, email, and video for web conferencing. If you need to coordinate office and smart phones, as well as tablets and computers, we’ve got the tools to build a unified communications platform that fits your business.
Hi-Tech Solutions. Our IT consultants can sit down with you, discuss how your business communicates internally and externally now, and explore options to increase connectivity. We can design, quote, install and maintain the system you choose. Our IT experts can work with your internal IT staff, become an extension of your crew, or work independently. We fulfil whichever role you need to meet your needs.
Increased connectivity between staff and clients is a win-win for both. While voice to voice contact is still essential for building relationships, video conferencing is a more textured way to accomplish certain goals. A quick response to email, access to essential documents when out of office through cloud services – these options are all available with the latest VoIP systems. A Hi-Tech Integrated Technology technician is ready to work with you today to find the best solution for your employees, and more importantly, your clients.