Welcome To Our New Integrated Technologies Online Home

The discovery phase of any new website, from our point of view, should focus on meeting customer’s needs. Our expert IT consultants provide a wide range of services and solutions – and we believe that explaining our capabilities and how they benefit our clients is a critical component of our new site. We also want to make connecting with us online easier and more direct. Regardless of how you’re reaching our site – from your mobile device, tablet, or desktop – we’re glad you’re here.
Fully Managed IT Services. We offer a diverse range of IT services and solutions. We’re confident that our IT consultants can design, build, and maintain all of your IT, from resilient data networks, to access control systems, and security cameras. We hope you’ll take some time to look through our site, new and returning customers are sure to find services they would like to investigate.
Connect With Us. We wanted our clients to be able to easily reach out to us. Whether you’re ready to Request Service or just want to connect with us through our Contact page, our new site makes those actions easily accessible. We check our messages frequently throughout the day, and will promptly connect you with an appropriate project manager. Of course, we will always welcome your phone calls through our (269) 743-4448 number. Whichever method is best for you, we’re ready to get started on your next project.
Our partners at Hi-Tech Electric Company have updated their site as well – we recommend that you take a few minutes to see what they are capable of (they’re experts in the commercial, industrial, and residential electrical contracting world).
If you’re as fascinated with the IT world as we are, check back here to read our take on the latest IT news and about our projects. As always, we’re ready to help. Contact us about your Integrated Technologies today!